Our Mission
Our mission is to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ to all humanity and to empower believers to impact the Kingdom of God at all levels of community and social life.
Our Vision
To become:
A house of prayer for people of all ethnicity, culture, religions, and social background united as one under the Lordship of Christ.
An advocate for biblical justice and a prophetic voice expressing God’s heart for righteousness and truth in church and society.
An apostolic epicenter where leaders are raised, equipped, and sent out to new frontiers to fulfill the mission of Christ.
An Organisation Comprising Of;
Healthily growing churches, maturing spiritually, and multiplying through small groups.
Churches where the glory of God is expressed through authentic fellowship, vibrant worship, and anointed teaching accompanied by the demonstration of the power of the spirits.
Churches where each member is valued, equipped, and operating according to their gifts.
Churches fully resourced, financially sound, and more than able to meet all demands arising through their mission and ministry.
Churches provide a safe place where the hurting, vulnerable and disaffected individuals and families come and experience healing and genuine community.
Our Mission Strategy
Invest more of ourselves in meeting the spiritual and social needs of communities home and abroad.
Micah 6; 8;
Matthew 25:40;
James 1:27
Through Evangelism
Engage people and culture with the gospel of Jesus Christ with creativity and relevance.
Mark 16; 15;
Luke 19:10;
Acts 13:47
Invest more of ourselves in meeting the spiritual and social needs of communities home and abroad.
Micah 6; 8;
Matthew 25:40;
James 1:27
About Our National Leader
Bishop Delroy Powell a native of Portland, Jamaica serves as the National Presiding Bishop for the NTA -England and as the Senior Pastor of The Sanctuary- NTA Tooting. He is married to First Lady Marcelle Powell and between them they are blessed with three adult children.
Bishop Powell surrendered his life to the Lordship of Jesus Christ as a teen and has served the organisation faithfully in several leadership capacities as well as a church planter and Director/Trustee. He was consecrated to the office of Bishop in 2013 and re-elected to a second term in 2018. Bishop Powell is a respected leader with a keen interest in developing leaders, capacity building and community engagement. His belief in the redemptive potential of the local church has led to the creation of a framework for churches and public agencies working collaboratively to address inequalities in Black Mental Health and other public health disparities. Bishop Powell is a Board Director for various Faith Base Organisations and ambassador for leading NGOs Christian Aid, Open Doors and Compassion UK.
Those who work closely with Bishop Powell will attest to his quiet authority, diligence and love for people regardless of their difference. His Christ-centred preaching engages hearts and minds and has led many to faith in Jesus. Bishop Powell aspires to excellence in all that he does and seeks to model authenticity and integrity in public ministry, in family and in his personal devotion.